Jacob Rheams
Wildlife Photographer & Filmmaker
I am an award winning 20 year old freelance photographer and filmmaker centred around creating content about the natural world. I have been lucky enough in my life to have travelled to many amazing places and experienced many wonderful cultures, all while using my photography and films to help inspire a love and appreciation for the natural world within people.
I work mostly as a self-shooting producer creating short form digital content, working along side brands to help promote products as well as sparking interests in conservation and wildlife.
I have also used my expertise as a photographer to produce articles for the Woop Woop conservation magazine, as well as having images published by companies such as the Wildlife Trust and ITV.


As well as creating short-form content for brands social medias, I have also worked on my own film projects creating a mix of short documentary and cinematic style films.
Filming here in the UK and abroad, I have been lucky enough to see a wide range of amazing species and landscapes which feature in each of my short films. Each place I have visited has its own stories which each work to get people engaged and interested with the natural world.